Tuesday, July 3, 2007

PLEASE leave comments to encourage us.

Leaving comments is easy. See the word "comments" in blue underneath each blog entry? Just click on it to leave a comment about that entry.

Our team really needs your support. Let us know you are praying for us, leave us a verse to encourage us or be creative.

It's really easy to do. Go on, give it a try.


Anonymous said...

You have gone; now, continue to strive through the heat and pain you will endure - give them Jesus!

This trip will be an experience you will never forget. It will touch your heart, soul and life in ways you cannot imagine. Years from now, you will have some sort of realization of "something" - a trigger of a memory from your service to the Lord and others in need there and you will be blessed yet again.

Blessings to you all for the love and effort you are giving in the name of MY Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

In prayer for your work and well being,
Laura Rogers

"May the LORD bless you and keep you; and make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
May the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."
Num 6:24-26

Samantha said...

Hey FBC Portland!
Hi there! I’m Sam, the hurricane relief intern at Berean. Thank you so much for coming down to help rebuild this city. Amazing things are happing in New Orleans and y’all are a part of that. Unsaved homeowners are seeing teenagers giving up a week of their summers to come rebuild their house, and they don’t understand why. A lot of the teams get to pray and share Christ with the homeowners, and who would have thought you would have an opportunity like that in New Orleans. Katrina hit my senior year of high school and it was by far one of the worst times in my life but these past 2 year I have got see a countless number of work teams, come stay here for a week and by Friday their own life was changed. If I can give you any advice before you come down it would be have an open heart and mind, expect anything and everything and be flexible. Another thing is get to know the people of New Orleans. Its one thing to hear about the hurricane on the news but its totally different to talk to someone personally about it, it will help you have a better understanding. Can’t wait to meet y’all!!

Meredith Kerr said...

You all are a living example of loving your neighbor as yourselves! May you be blessed each moment you are serving those who have experienced such loss.

"The Lord your God is with you,
He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with His love.
He will rejoice over you with singing!" Zeph 3:17

With appreciation for what the Lord is doing through you,

Carole Powell said...

As Dick and I were driving past the Linscott home the other day, we were trying to recall the dates for your trip. (Short-term memory can be difficult sometimes when you get to be our age!) In our experience with these types of trips, we understand the "ups and downs" that happen at any given moment. (and heat can really make you cranky)

My calendar wallpaper on my computer at work is perfect for you today. It comes from Philippians 4 verse 8 - "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on THESE things."

While the environment that surrounds you may not be beautiful or lovely...and definitely not "pure"...focus on the ONE who is...the ONE who brought you there to bless others...it will last a lifetime! You will be blessed!

Consider yourselves hugged!
Carole and Dick Powell

Dorcas Bartley said...

Hi Katrina Team!

Children's Ministries is praying for you! We are checking out your blog today - especially Christy and Chelsea's class!

Be encouraged! We are praying for you and love you all - the joy of the Lord will be your strength!

Jean & David Stewart said...

Phillipians 4:13 "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." All the pictures look like everyone is doing fine. Tomorrow will be a big day and we feel this verse will help each of you get through it. Eric and Laura
we love you and we want you know our prayers are with you as well as for the rest of the team. Have a great day. Work hard and give them Jesus. Love, Gramma & Grampa

Sandie Grant said...

So very proud of all of you.
Will pray for health and happiness.
Have fun, be kind, enjoy every moment.
God bless you.
You are all a blessing to all of us.

George WE LOVE YOU:)

Anonymous said...

We hope & pray for you all who have gone on a mission for the Lord ,..May the Lord send his blessings over you ...
Eric & Laura we are happy to know that you are working for the Lord & showing compassion & love to others less fortunate ,reaching out to those in need , this is where the Lord's heart is ,you are his extented hands , our love & prayers goes out to you all.
Memaw & Pepaw Mason

Sherri said...

Hey Kristan Bowie,

The Stevens family is thinking of you. We're so proud of the work that you are doing - and can't wait to hear the details! Stay safe and hurry home!
Bring lots of pictures!

Love, Sherri
Extra love from Cam
and Kyle says "me, too!"