Thursday, July 19, 2007

Did we accomplish anything?

Yes! When we arrived at Erica and Lester's house it was mostly just studs and was completely gutted. A huge pile of demolition debris sat in front of their tiny FEMA trailer. When we left, all but the bathroom and utility room were insulated, sheetrocked and taped and mudded. The pile of debris was gone. That made a HUGE difference in getting them into their home sooner.

Yes! The yardwork team transformed three homes, met a ton of people, worked in each of the other homes and brought hope.

Yes! Barbara's house needed sanding, mudding and sanding and by the time we left all the rooms were sanded and we primed 2 large rooms, a bathroom and a few closets. She was thrilled to see so much progress. She began to talk about preparing to move in.

But the greatest impact was probably the transformation we felt in our own hearts. We prayed that God would begin to give us His heart for people. And now we have discovered that His heart hurts when people hurt. We've always heard that about Jesus but this trip made us experience it firsthand. It came alive.

It was difficult. The heat was intense. The humidity was thick and heavy and we sweat more than any of us have ever sweat before. For many of us, it was the most difficult week of our lives to this point. Yet, it was also the most rewarding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this comment is being left in the correct place on the blog ~ anyway! WOW! It's amazing that you guys had this opportunity to serve and grow in your faith. And, I see that you truly have. I am so proud of you ~ especially those of you who I will always consider "my girls" ~ you know who you are! But all of you are truly a blessing. You are a blessing to your families and friends ~ to your church ~ and I know that you were down in NO. Thank you for sharing the light of Christ in this dark world. I pray that you all continue allowing HIM to lead you ALWAYS! I love you ~ LL