Friday, July 20, 2007

REFLECTIONS: Paycheck to Paycheck

When i start to complain about my life, a simple reminder of what i saw in New Orleans would do the job to quickly stop me and realize that what i have is not that bad. I thought it was funny how when we were driving through new orleans, we were listening to the local christian station, a song came on that most of you have heard. I dont remember the name of it though. haha.
Anyways the main line of the song was "cause all I have, its not that bad."

I thought that was perfect timing because it got me thinking about how what we have back home is not worth complaining about when there are other people in the world that are barely getting by living paycheck to paycheck and have to live in the smallest trailers. Hopefully i can keep that in mind as i go about the daily grind and live life. Hopefully i dont complain about the small things but instead pray to god about the little and the big things and thank him for what he does. One thing that i am carrying with me from the trip is that God takes the bad events and can turn them into good events in other ways. New Orleands experienced a devastating storm but it allowed christians to come in and spread the word and to help the people. Isn't that what God wants?

I've always been the kind of kid that has his faith but didn't necessarily talk about it with friends at church and didnt usualy talk about how i saw god work during the day. It was kind of understood that people in the church probably saw it too and there was akward to mention it. since i have been home i have been talking to various people that were on the trip with me and i have been talking to them about how god has been showing himself even since i came home.
This trip was a real life changing event. I can't say enough about how I feel after the trip. There is so much that i want to say, and because of that i don't know what to say. But to sum it up; God has reached me in a new way and changed how I look at things. I feel like I am on that spiritual high that we all feel right after church camp every year. I would like to ask that you pray for me that I don't lose that spiritual high and that I keep seeing God in different ways throughout my days.
- Colby Adams


skoelker said...

Awesome, Colby. Thanks for being there for those people - and for God. You know how you can keep on that high, right? Keep living for God and serving others.


Anonymous said...

Know that there are 23 others that are praying that same prayer to continue that "high" for the rst of our days! It was great working side by side with you and all the others on the team. I can't wait until our next mission!