Thursday, July 19, 2007

REFLECTIONS: Flying Into Portland

When I was looking out of the airplane window over Portland, it hit me that the city was the same as when we had left. This struck me because of how contrary it was to Katrina victims after the hurricane. They evacuated expecting to come home and only see some minor damages. Not being able to even find their houses was the last thing from their minds. Seeing an aerial view of Portland after spending a week in an area of complete devastation, made it all the more real to me. When I got home, I realized how fortunate I am. My refrigerator was full of food, my closet was full of clothes; I had so many things to be grateful for yet most of the time I take them for granted.

When we were coming down the escalator, I was really surprised to see so many people who had been praying for the team this past week. I was so happy to see my family, my friends, and my prayer partner, Rachel Miller, meet us at the airport. If it wasn't for everyone keeping us in their prayers, leaving comments on the blog, sending encouraging e-mails, and helping us get there in the first place, this trip would not have been the amazing spiritual experience that it was. I truly enjoyed growing closer to the team and the Lord, hearing and understanding the stories of Katrina victims, and helping people get a few steps closer to rebuilding their homes. This trip is something I will never forget.

- Laura Mason


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you decided to come on this trip! I really got to know you better and we had a great time.. found out you weren't the quiet girl you appear to be (:
I'm also glad that you enjoyed this trip and that we could all grow stronger in our faith together. I miss you and everyone already.
love yoouuu,

skoelker said...

I'm so proud of you, Laura, and of all the team. Thanks for being willing to change the world.
