When I first got back, the ride home was so weird.. It was so different not looking out the window and seeing all these houses with x's on them. All of the houses were perfectly fine. I walked into my house and I looked at my room, and just all of the things I take for granted. I can't imagine having my whole house demolished and not having anything left.
When we walked down the stairs at the airport, it was amazing to see all of our families and also prayer partners. It was so great to see everyone back home, but I realized how great it was back in New Orleans just to hear everyone's unforgettable story. They were so happy to have people there to just listen to them, and all of the stories were so different.
All of my friends were like, "Oh, you're back! Did you have a fun trip!?" It's hard to explain to them. The first night when we went to Doug's grandmother's house, it was just devastating. Fun? Yeah, we had some fun, but we also got to see how much we take for granted back home, and how lucky we are to have everything that we do. It's amazing how all of those people are living in those little FEMA trailers with one bedroom, and we have these nice houses. It was devastating to see all of the damage throughout the city. I explained what I had learned throughout the week, but they just didn't seem to get it. God has taught me so much in the past week, and it's just hard to explain that to my friends who aren't believers.
The car ride home was just silent that second night in New Orleans. I didn't know what to think. I was just devastated. I can't believe that pretty much everything that woman owned was either destroyed or gone. It was amazing to see her room and the bits of clothes still hanging up, and that certificate from her college was still there.
Annie's house was horrible to see too. When we walked in, you could look to the right and see photos on the wall of her children. There was so much stuff just all over the floor, and she said she'd gone through most of it to look for important stuff, which must have been long gone. Her house was getting demolished within thirty days, and she didn't even know when. She was going away for a while, and when she got back, her house could be gone.
I don't know how I would be able to get through all of that if I was living down there at the time. A house that I had grown up in all of my life just washed away, with all of my belongings, and memories. It's amazing how those people are just so strong, and they're so willing to share their stories.
From now on, I will never look at the hurricanes or any storms the same. I
will always think about New Orleans and all of the damage and devastation, even two years later. I never thought that it was that serious, and I wasn't expecting to see most of the things that I did. I will never forget the car rides up and down those streets and just looking at all of the houses that either had no roof, or had been gutted and were waiting to be demolished. It was also hard to look at the slabs and stairs that had been left, and the house numbers. So many people's houses were just gone.
It felt so good though, to be down there to help, even if we made the smallest difference. I felt bad that all of the people were thanking us so much, and they make this sound like we're coming out of our way, but I learned that this is what we are supposed to be doing. This is what Jesus would be doing, and that's what we should do. We got up, and actually put our faith into action.
I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to come on this trip. I've learned so much, and I'm so thankful that I got to meet so many great people, and just help out the people who are in need, and have nothing. I'm also glad that I got to go with the group I did, and I got to know them more.
Overall, I'll never forget this trip, what I saw, the people I met, and what I learned. I will continue to pray for all of those families in New Orleans, and I continually thank God for all that he has done in my life, and all that I have.
-Jesse Cinque
When we walked down the stairs at the airport, it was amazing to see all of our families and also prayer partners. It was so great to see everyone back home, but I realized how great it was back in New Orleans just to hear everyone's unforgettable story. They were so happy to have people there to just listen to them, and all of the stories were so different.
All of my friends were like, "Oh, you're back! Did you have a fun trip!?" It's hard to explain to them. The first night when we went to Doug's grandmother's house, it was just devastating. Fun? Yeah, we had some fun, but we also got to see how much we take for granted back home, and how lucky we are to have everything that we do. It's amazing how all of those people are living in those little FEMA trailers with one bedroom, and we have these nice houses. It was devastating to see all of the damage throughout the city. I explained what I had learned throughout the week, but they just didn't seem to get it. God has taught me so much in the past week, and it's just hard to explain that to my friends who aren't believers.
The car ride home was just silent that second night in New Orleans. I didn't know what to think. I was just devastated. I can't believe that pretty much everything that woman owned was either destroyed or gone. It was amazing to see her room and the bits of clothes still hanging up, and that certificate from her college was still there.
I don't know how I would be able to get through all of that if I was living down there at the time. A house that I had grown up in all of my life just washed away, with all of my belongings, and memories. It's amazing how those people are just so strong, and they're so willing to share their stories.
From now on, I will never look at the hurricanes or any storms the same. I
will always think about New Orleans and all of the damage and devastation, even two years later. I never thought that it was that serious, and I wasn't expecting to see most of the things that I did. I will never forget the car rides up and down those streets and just looking at all of the houses that either had no roof, or had been gutted and were waiting to be demolished. It was also hard to look at the slabs and stairs that had been left, and the house numbers. So many people's houses were just gone.
It felt so good though, to be down there to help, even if we made the smallest difference. I felt bad that all of the people were thanking us so much, and they make this sound like we're coming out of our way, but I learned that this is what we are supposed to be doing. This is what Jesus would be doing, and that's what we should do. We got up, and actually put our faith into action.
I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to come on this trip. I've learned so much, and I'm so thankful that I got to meet so many great people, and just help out the people who are in need, and have nothing. I'm also glad that I got to go with the group I did, and I got to know them more.
Overall, I'll never forget this trip, what I saw, the people I met, and what I learned. I will continue to pray for all of those families in New Orleans, and I continually thank God for all that he has done in my life, and all that I have.
-Jesse Cinque
Jesse, I'm busting with pride (it's a sin, I know) to be able to say I know you. You really are a hero, you know. John Mayer may be waiting on the world to change, but you and the team have been out doing it! God bless you!!
i'm so glad you could come!
it was awesome rooming with you and the girls, stealing your clothes... haha. i'm so thankful we could experience this together and get closer to each other and to God.
i'm always here for you! ;)
I am soooo proud of Jesse! She is so thankful her everything and is so good to the people she loves. She is always helping the people around her and the people from other places. She is a great person and I'm happy to call her my friend! Anyone who knows her should be proud that they do!
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