Thursday, July 12, 2007

One more and then I have to get back to go to bed.

Wanna be a Prime Time leader?

This is why work boots are so important. Amanda steps on another nail.

Inside a tiny FEMA trailer that houses single mom Erica and her 10 year old son Lester and all their possessions.

Georgie is one hard worker for sure! He never gives up!

Jesse enjoyed painting herself and the rest of us more than the walls in Barbara's home.

Okay ... I gotta get back and pass out for another night of sleep before our final day of work tomorrow. We are all very tired but feeling very satisfied and complete. We are looking forward to sleeping in Saturday and then seeing some of New Orleans tourist areas before heading out to the airport first thing Sunday morning.

Thanks for all the prayer and emails!




Anonymous said...

Thank you, Scott, for staying up so late and finding a place where you could send us these great pictures and comments...well, 'great' except for one...the "Prime Time Youth Leader" scared me as he filled my computer screen! Yikes!

My prayer for all of you today is that you FINISH WELL! Finish strong! Finish knowing you did all you could with Jesus' help and strength!

Your hard work makes me think of Romans 12:1. "Therefore, I urge you, brothers (and sisters!!) in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship."

Anonymous said...

It's the end of the week and I'm sure you are tired. Ask God to give you strength as you give your best today. Be open to His leading and bold as you share Christ with your actions and your words. Your ministry has truly blessed me this week as well as countless others I know. I can't wait to hear more about your experience. Thank you for your willingness to give. Have a great day.