Friday, June 15, 2007

Sarah Krabbe - Helping People in Need

I'm extremely excited to go down to New Orleans for this missions trip in July. First off, I just like helping other people in need. (I remember when I first heard of the Katrina disaster a few years ago and I wanted to help but felt like I didn't have any way to do so -- but look at me now; I'm going to be there in less than a month!) Doing something for someone else and seeing their happiness is simply an awesome feeling. Seeing the devastation through video and photos has really shown me that the people down there have almost nothing and it's a big wake-up call for me. I find myself so easily caught up in the little things in life and worrying about minuscule things that really don't even matter in the big picture. I think that going on this trip will make me realize how fortunate I am and how much more thankful I should be for everything I have. I also think that this trip will teach me to think more of others before myself. And lastly, of course, I'm looking forward to getting closer with both my teammates and God!

I'm so happy that I've been given this great eye-opening opportunity and I can't wait to see what God is going to teach and reveal to me!

- Sarah Krabbe, grade 11

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