Sunday, June 17, 2007

Kristan Bowie - Looking for Change

First of all, I've never gone on a missions trip before but I have always wanted to go. Because every time someone came back from one they would say it was a life changing experience. So I want this missions trip to change me in a way and I also want to make an impact on other peoples lives and help them out, because I love doing that. Also I'm having trouble reading my bible and doing devotions and I'm hoping to strengthen my walk with God while I'm there. Another thing is that it's a really great group of kids/ adults going and I'd like to get to know everyone a lot better.
- Kristan Bowie, grade 10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kristan & Gang,

What an amazing opportunity! I can't wait to hear in your own words how this mission trip has changed your views, your aspirations, your life. You're accomplishing great things.

Kim P.